Monday, July 23, 2018

Everything new is old again

It's a beautiful day
Back in 2008, starting a blog seemed like table stakes for a freelance writer. I jumped right in and stated my intent to “share interesting and thought-provoking articles, sites, and ideas.”

I was never going to be someone who posted daily or even weekly. I just wanted to publish something every now and then so readers (and potential clients) would know I hadn’t fallen off the grid. A twice monthly schedule seemed reasonable.

That was then. Now social media has become so crowded, with virtually everyone on the planet vying for attention and hashtags and viral posts, that my enthusiasm for the space itself has cooled. I’m reminded of Cracker’s 1992 Teen Angst song, paraphrased here: “What the world needs now is another blogger like I need a hole in my head.”  

And so I’m on sabbatical from blogging and, to a lesser extent, tweeting. For those of you who already spend too much time in front of screens, you’ll now have one fewer blogger to read. (You’re welcome.)

Who knows? I may return. Or maybe some next-generation thing will capture my attention. At any rate, you can always find me at

As my mother used to say when I was a kid: “It’s a beautiful day, go outside and breathe some fresh air.”